Regardless of what type of local business you run, you have very likely provided a “freebie” at one point to entice new customers. Sadly, these offers do not always equate to a return client. This does not mean that free offers are pointless, it just means you need to figure out where you went wrong. Even better, simply start using these tips to get customers back in the door.
Now Reach Out and Touch Someone
On average, a lead will go cold within an hour. This really expresses the urgency with initiating immediate contact with a potential client. The quick and easy method is simply sending out an email. Maybe you get their email address when they sign up for a free trial or join your list to have a coupon mailed to them, but just make sure you have it. Automated emails will work fine to start with, and for those who forget they signed up, a welcome note will be waiting for them online.
Toss In Additional Incentives
Even though you have already provided a freebie, offering an additional incentive can really sweeten the deal. Do not think this means you need another freebie. Sandwich shops create simple loyalty programs with punch cards. Marketing as a service professional sometimes gives discounts for paying a year in advance. There are lots of additional incentive to offer, you just have to figure out which works best for your company.
Keep On Talking
When asked how much of a company’s monthly sales should go towards free trials, marketing experts said 10 percent. With that much money on the line, it is imperative to keep communication open between you and “freebie” customers. Make sure you are sending out periodic emails that are helpful in some way, and future clients will always have you in their minds. We can all be forgetful, so email reminders can go a long way as long as you are not sending them out daily.
Many potential clients turn into “one-and-done” customers after receiving a free trial or discount. Luckily, the aforementioned tips can go a long way in preventing this.
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